Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology


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The Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology was founded in 1950 and works in all branches of biology – education, health, research, and industry support, as well as in consultancy. The Institute of Biology is a part of the Scientific Research Centre (ZRC SAZU) at the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU). Its activities include the formulation and submission of policy documents to government and other organisations, including the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, and the Ministry of Transport. The institute conducts the maintenance of professional registers of environmental biologists, qualified persons in the pharmaceutical industry, and accredited nutritionists and also organises a wide variety of meetings, symposia, and conferences.

The Institute of Biology is named after Jovan Hadži, Slovene zoologist with Serbian origins, who was the head of the organisation until 1972. With current total of 18 employees, of which nine are researchers, five are supporting staff, and four are PhD candidates they perform basic and applied studies of plants and animals at the regional and global scales. Within the institute are three topical units, focusing on basic botany, basic zoology, and applied biology, respectively. The institute comprises its own library and a regional research station in Tolmin. In 2011 the research group from the institute under the guidance of Matjaž Kuntner launched EZ Lab- Evolutionary Zoology lab which covers many zoological topics that bear on evolution.

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Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija +
Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Novi trg 5 +
The Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology was founded in 1950 and works in all branches of biology – education, health, research, and industry support, as well as in consultancy. +
The Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology was founded in 1950 and works in all branches of biology – education, health, research, and industry support, as well as in consultancy. +
+386 / 1 470 6335 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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